Tuesday, September 13, 2005

A Quick Hello from Lucca

Just want everyone to know that we are alive and well within the beautiful city walls of Lucca. The last couple of days have been a whirlwind, filled with food, shopping, people (even from Scotland), laughter, tears, views, hugs and memories that will last a lifetime. We are slowly waking up from a late night of negroni and bier and about to head to Florence. It's been difficult to find internet points over the last few days, but will make some blog updates later. We miss our friends and family and can't wait to share our pictures, stories and other stuff tucked away in our luggage.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting to read what you have been up to. Based on your entries, I suppose you will be coming back about 20 pounds heavier. :)

6:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We found your blog recently and we’ve have been glued to it ever since. While reading your entries we got so engulfed in these familiar and ever so missed scenes of Italian life that made us smile and at the same time made us homesick. The day following the discovery of your blog we went to Upper Crust and looked for paninis and prosciutto ham. We did not find the prosciutto ham but got our hands on an authentic piece of Gorgonzola cheese and Molinari Salamino. As for the panini, we felt that a French baguette would suffice. We stopped by Publix and settled for Boar’s head prosciutto ham instead of the Parma’s and San Daniele’s you get over there. On Sunday morning we opened a bottle of wine and unwrapped our French bread, the prosciutto ham, gorgonzola cheese and Salamino. We had our little Italian feast and toasted to you guys. We truly wish we were there. So glad you’re enjoying it over there. We can’t wait to hear more stories. Don’t leave without a last panino and a cappuccino. See you at the airport. Love,

EyeTalianGirl & Flying Dutch

11:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Miss your updates.

11:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Emilio Fazzi (One of the scots you met in Lucca)

After our meeting I was expecting some kind of scientific perspective on short term effect of the Negroni on a normally logical european brain.

Instead I find that the vebosity that characterised your reporting of the earlier days of your holiday suddenly deserted you when it came to reporting our meeting.

I can only surmise that Negronis we shared must have had an absolutely devastating effect on your obviously weaker American brain.

Your are bigger than me but I can say these things because I am protected by at least 2000 miles of sea.

Anyhow it good to see you blog, and it was great fun to meet you guys in Lucca.

Best wishes

5:33 PM  

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