Sunday, February 18, 2007

While You Were Sleeping

Cut to alarm clock decides to start my day and greets me with a furious buzzzzzzzz....Brrrrr, it's chilly outside and the covers are toasty warm deep inside my "600 thread count cotton cocoon". I need to plot the shortest route to the shower through the frozen burber tundra...maybe it's time to turn on the heat? Nah...Why am I up so early? Doing some volunteering for a marathon taking place on campus. I'm representing Starbucks (of course) with 30 gallons of coffee, which was being organized by one of our managers. By 8:30am....there's not a drop of liquid caffeine left. It was jacket cold..isotoner glove cold...wool cap cold...bone rattling cold. I'm now on top of 600 of my warmest friends and thinking about a little shut-eye, but the day has just begun. I'm off to lunch at 11am, a ballgame at 1pm and some good old trailer park trash rock and roll with some close friends at 7pm. Tomorrow is more store destruction and then I'm off to Jax for a three day meeting. My pillow top feels really cozy....Fade to Black...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

missed you at the SCOTS concert, They got a new disc out. Some interesting covers. As always a great show.

1:56 PM  

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