Saturday, September 03, 2005

The Gainesville Stew

Finally. The first home game of the season. I'm up early making Brunswick Stew for the tailgate. It's the crack of dawn and my place smells of chicken, pork, onions and beef. My floor is covered in coolers, chairs, a propane tank and three cases of beer. Speaking of beer, due to the hurricanes, there was a backlog of beer that couldn't get to the Gulf Coast. It was dropped off in Gainesville with $5 off coupons. When was the last time a case was $6? Ye Old College students got whiff of this promotion and made a rampage around the city looking for these special deals. I got the last few at the new Publix around the corner. I don't even drink the swill, but who could pass it up? The game is still nine hours away. If you've never experienced a home game in Gainesville, it's a local ritual that happens six times a year. The population is around 200,000, but today 90,000 screaming fans will pack the beloved Swamp. We have a new team, coach and traditions starting today. My goal is to get to my spot earlier than usual (right near the law school), reserve spaces, cook mass quantities of food in my large stainless steel pot and soak in the festive day. A smattering of friends will trickle to the tailgate throughout the day with stories to tell about their trek across the city or give score predicitions. One of the members of our group never goes to the game, but instead opts to sit outside watching the gator theatrics on his satellite tv, under his tarp while his portable blenders whip up another scrumptous concoction. I still don't have tickets yet, but have never had a problem getting inside. Enough for pot is boiling....


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