Sunday, August 21, 2005

Single in the Sinkhole City

Just got home from a wonderful date, so I'm in a good place. The single life of a 37 year old, divorced, bald dude in a college town can be quite tricky. For starters, everyone knows everyone around these parts. If I go anywhere, I'm going to run into someone. A friend, co-worker, customer or ex may be lurking around the corner at Target, The Top or the Shell up the street. A few weeks ago, I was hanging out with the "Poo" bros for a night of "hopping" and everywhere we went (and we literally went everywhere) there was a person that one of us knew. It's a cool feeling of being around a familiar city, but it's hard sometimes to date in seclusion. One time I met a first date at Market Street (bad decision) and was surrounded by my drunk comrades telling stories about me. Of course once she left they all chimed in on how "HOT" she was and if I wasn't going out with her again, then I should pass along her phone number. Yeah, I do all the work and you come in to pick up the save? Don't think so. I absolutely dig the build up right before I meet someone for the first time. My favs are picking out the right clothes, making sure every hair on my scalp is shaved and the final moment of sheer terror ("WHAT AM I DOING? WHO AM I? WHO ARE YOU?"). I always like to get there early so I can get comfortable in my surroundings. I keep my dates active, fun and interesting because I want to have a good time too. Hey, it's my night/day out and I want to dance, sing, bowl, eat dinner and laugh, laugh, laugh. I'll talk about anything. What do I have to hide? Some see dating as a chore, but I see it as an exciting opportunity to connect with a human being that a few weeks ago, I didn't even know existed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And a few weeks from now, you may forget that they existed...But let's hope not in this case.

So when's the next date?

3:47 PM  
Blogger by Rob said...

Friday :)

8:26 PM  

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