Great Scots!
As I continue to compile photos from Italy, today I'm highlighting a group of crazy Scots that we met during our trip. It all started by randomly picking a restaurant called Da Leo in Lucca and being seated at a table towards the back of the place. During our meal, one of the people at the adjoining table leaned over and peered at Linda's meal and replied "What the hell is that?", in a thick Scottish accent (it was gnocchi by the way). Both tables proceeded to chat and laugh throughout our meals. Our new friends finished their meals before us and graciously exited to proceed to a bar for a nightcap (really?). When we left the restaurant, we ran into them again at an outside trattoria. We continued our conversations well into the evening while the girls were introduced to Negronis. We chuckled until the local police pulled alongside our outside table and venomously peered at the owner (which means "Why are you still open past midnight?"). Yesterday, one of our long distance friends posted a comment. Here's what he said...
From Emilio Fazzi (One of the scots you met in Lucca)
After our meeting I was expecting some kind of scientific perspective on short term effect of the Negroni on a normally logical european brain.
Instead I find that the vebosity that characterised your reporting of the earlier days of your holiday suddenly deserted you when it came to reporting our meeting.
I can only surmise that Negronis we shared must have had an absolutely devastating effect on your obviously weaker American brain.
Your are bigger than me but I can say these things because I am protected by at least 2000 miles of sea.
Anyhow it good to see you blog, and it was great fun to meet you guys in Lucca.
Best wishes
Here is my reply...
Hey Emilio!
It was great meeting you gents in Lucca. Don't forget, the next round of drinks are on me. We are happy that the europeans cornered the market on smelly, bitter drinks like the Negroni. I guess you need some digusting booze to help remove the bits of haggis from your teeth.
Stay in touch, but don't get too close!
Your really large American friend,
From Emilio Fazzi (One of the scots you met in Lucca)
After our meeting I was expecting some kind of scientific perspective on short term effect of the Negroni on a normally logical european brain.
Instead I find that the vebosity that characterised your reporting of the earlier days of your holiday suddenly deserted you when it came to reporting our meeting.
I can only surmise that Negronis we shared must have had an absolutely devastating effect on your obviously weaker American brain.
Your are bigger than me but I can say these things because I am protected by at least 2000 miles of sea.
Anyhow it good to see you blog, and it was great fun to meet you guys in Lucca.
Best wishes
Here is my reply...
Hey Emilio!
It was great meeting you gents in Lucca. Don't forget, the next round of drinks are on me. We are happy that the europeans cornered the market on smelly, bitter drinks like the Negroni. I guess you need some digusting booze to help remove the bits of haggis from your teeth.
Stay in touch, but don't get too close!
Your really large American friend,

How strange that a Scot would be named Emilio! I thought the USA was the melting pot...
Funny e-mails, though.
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