Eight Ball, Corner Pocket
I am a juggler. Not a great juggler mind you, but a juggler nonetheless. I can juggle 3 objects of the same and different sizes. I started practicing with billiard balls 12 years ago when I was a desk assistant at a residence facility on campus. I had loads of free time when I worked overnights, so I juggled. During the early stages of juggling billiard balls, I realized it was a stupid idea. Why? Well...when I screwed up, two things happened. It either provided a large pain in my knuckles when I missed or it gave a large bang when they collided and smashed onto the desk. I struggled, but kept up my good cheer. The best way to practice is to face a wall. It helps you keep the balls away from you at the correct distance. Nowadays, I'll find myself juggling tennis balls, apples and whatever I can get my hands on...except chain saws and anything with FIRE. I'm also juggling work, personal and financial stuff. It makes billiard balls look like silky doilies prancing from hand to hand. Sometimes, these balls juggle me. Not cool. That means stress. Never been a big fan of stress, but it's hard for me to avoid. That's why I'm taking a few days off for siesta this weekend. Yippee. I can't wait. A little detox to get the engines roaring for my big day on Tuesday (wish me luck). This weekend is about adventure and going on maneuvers. Never heard of maneuvers, heh? Well, it's my catch phrase of experiencing some new things in life with gusto and wreckless abandon. Sounds far fetched, but a little bit of exploration is very stimulating and soothing. I can't wait. Go grab some for yourself....
So you are going to play paintball?
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