Damn Right I Got the Blues Part II
Great googily moogily what a show! I couldn't stop smiling. Friends, great music and adult beverages = happiness. First of all, I have to shout out to the following people for attending tonight's throw down - John, Guido, the Pooser Bros, Beland, Elizabeth, Scott, Chris, Amanda, Marshall, Rino, Matt, Nick and Kelly. Fourteen friends at Common Grouds witnessed an amazing show. Highlights? Sure there were some highlights. Let's see...happy hour at Market Street was not too shabby with appearances from Craig and Wendy and Jeff. Abita Purple Haze raspberry wheat was my apertif of choice (I used to have a few when I lived in N'Awlins). All music goers stocked up on happy hour and meandered over to the venue before 11pm. We missed the first act (perfect timing) and Jimbo Mathus and the Knockdown Society took the stage by force. We knew we were about to experience something special when Jimbo lept from the stage and danced, played, smoked, drank and sang with the audience. At one moment, he took off his guitar, placed it on the floor and flung the mic over his shoulder so he could "get down" with Kelly on the floor. I was in my element. All my friends were spred throughout CGs and I was able to hang out with everyone long into the sweaty evening. My ears may be ringing, but you can't wipe the smile from my face.
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