Vacation...Have to Get Away
"We got to get out of this place, if it's the last thing we ever do..." The Animals
Sometimes, you just got to go somewhere. But, before you leave your place, you need to pack a suitcase (or three). Packing is an art form. It's like watching my Dad try to fit 17 bags of groceries and a bushel of firewood into a trunk of a '67 GTO. Poetry in motion. However, the suitcase is an enigma and a riddle wrapped up inside a fortune cookie. What to bring? Actually, it's what not to bring!!! I mastered the business travel packing, however leisure packing presents a puzzling dilemma. Casual vs. formal, shorts vs. khakis, shirts vs skins and so on. Then there is always one person who says "Pack you bathing suit. It doesn't take up much space!!!"...and you never go swimming. The most difficult decision one can make is what I call THE UNDERWEAR RATIO. Here's the math. Take the number of days on vacation, add the number 3 and multiply by the number of lunges you plan on executing to work off the excess "waiting for the airplane so I'll grab a Cinnabon and a Orange Julius" weight. The stupid thing about packing is that YOU ALWAYS FORGET SOMETHING!!!! A tie, black socks, belt, toothbrush, lens solution have all escaped my travels. Of course, you only remember when you're about to put on your suit or brush your teeth (or brush your suit). I'm packing tomorrow and I have more than enough shirts picked out. I'll sleep on the decision of what shirt makes the trip. Some will be left behind while others will get to experience a weekend of adventure. The most important clothes needed for the trip are the travel clothes (you know, the ones actually on your back on the airplane, car ride or when you hitch hike). If you look disheveled, a quick date with the security officer with the big wand. If you look somewhat decent, free drinks at the Crown Room. Wear a tie, you get to inspect other people's luggage.
Sometimes, you just got to go somewhere. But, before you leave your place, you need to pack a suitcase (or three). Packing is an art form. It's like watching my Dad try to fit 17 bags of groceries and a bushel of firewood into a trunk of a '67 GTO. Poetry in motion. However, the suitcase is an enigma and a riddle wrapped up inside a fortune cookie. What to bring? Actually, it's what not to bring!!! I mastered the business travel packing, however leisure packing presents a puzzling dilemma. Casual vs. formal, shorts vs. khakis, shirts vs skins and so on. Then there is always one person who says "Pack you bathing suit. It doesn't take up much space!!!"...and you never go swimming. The most difficult decision one can make is what I call THE UNDERWEAR RATIO. Here's the math. Take the number of days on vacation, add the number 3 and multiply by the number of lunges you plan on executing to work off the excess "waiting for the airplane so I'll grab a Cinnabon and a Orange Julius" weight. The stupid thing about packing is that YOU ALWAYS FORGET SOMETHING!!!! A tie, black socks, belt, toothbrush, lens solution have all escaped my travels. Of course, you only remember when you're about to put on your suit or brush your teeth (or brush your suit). I'm packing tomorrow and I have more than enough shirts picked out. I'll sleep on the decision of what shirt makes the trip. Some will be left behind while others will get to experience a weekend of adventure. The most important clothes needed for the trip are the travel clothes (you know, the ones actually on your back on the airplane, car ride or when you hitch hike). If you look disheveled, a quick date with the security officer with the big wand. If you look somewhat decent, free drinks at the Crown Room. Wear a tie, you get to inspect other people's luggage.
Packing issues - being a female, I have the same issues. Have also left out vital items before trips. How about this one? Forgot to pack SHORTS when travelling to the FL Keys once! Of course, I was only in 7th grade... but, still! BTW - where did you go on the trip?
Where did I go on my trip. I went....somewhere. It was fun and relaxing and that's all.
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