Rollercoaster...of Life
In an earlier post, I mentioned that my life has its ups and downs. I haven't had a bad life mind you, but have had some dirt track lows and Eiffel Tower highs. Even in poker I may be up one point and then I'm storming out of the room after being beaten on the River. I sense a pattern here....Yin and Yang. Black and White. Good and Evil. Yankees and Mets. FSU and The Law. Leno and Letterman. Tennessee Volunteers and brushing. Left and Right. I-95 and the Turnpike. Creamy and Chunky. Joanie and Chachie. Apple and Microsoft. Opposing forces that differ yet somehow coexist. How does one walk the line between both and still be happy? Is it therapy? Nah. Beer? Nope. Mad Libs? Not even close. Exercise? Are you kidding me? It all starts with the way you wake up in the morning. Yep. Wake up in a bad mood? Ding Dong...the day is gonna be a stinker. Wake up next to a beautiful woman? It's gonna be a bright, bright, bright sunshiney day. Cigarettes for breakfast? You're lucky you will make it to lunch without being fired. Bowl of Cheerios? You'll get that promotion. Shoes don't match your belt? Stay away from the copier. A clean crisp ironed shirt means you'll get that great parking spot. No matter what happens today, there will be a tomorrow morning (hopefully) to start it all over again. This time with a good night's sleep and a smile.
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