O' Brother, Where Art Thou?
I have a big brother. Love the old, graying, balding lug. We're actually have gotten closer as we are getting up in our ages. There are a couple of funny connections between us. First, we're both Capricorns. I was born on Dec. 25th and he on Dec. 31st (what were my parents thinking?) Second, we have the Guinness Book of Records of the longest game of "Your It" (37 years), which still goes on to this day (he's IT by the way). Third, we once did a mini triathlon and both almost died in the freaking choppy Atlantic ocean (that was fun!). Fourth, we are both pretty fast for our age/weight. He's a gazelle on the tennis court and I can run the base paths with reckless abandon. Fifth, we formed a formibable duo on the soccer field playing for the Green team in the Ringwood Borough soccer league in New Jersey (I was on defense, he on offense).
Now there are some differences: First, he's adopting a baby. What a wonderful thing to mention in this post. I'm so proud of him and his new bride (yeah!). My cousin recently adopted a boy and is the happiest baby on the planet earth. Even my best friend is adopted! Second, my brother is funny 90% of the time while I'm pushing 46%. Third, his musical choices are getting a little too Lawrence Welkish while mine are little like a Jackson Pollack painting. Fourth, he loves the import cars while I putter around in a Ford Explorer with 145,000 miles. And finally, he's three years older, several inces shorter and lots o' pounds smaller than me. I'm okay with that because his my bro and I love him.

How sweet! Hope your bro logs onto this and sees it soon. Having known you for a long time, I think you can push the funniness factor up to at least 55%, don't you think? Well, I do!
Bullshoot, thanks for the 9%. I needed that.
I "art" in Mexico City at the moment, reading about myself on your blog.
now that's what i call a cameo! all the way from mexico!
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